Friday, February 12, 2016

Dear Diary... Family Diary

Dear Diary....
If you were a little girl in the 80's, I can bet money that you had a diary and it had a little tiny lock with a teeny tiny key and some god-awful picture with pink glitter.  I remember buying a fountain pen to write in mine... which of course ended up in some sort of inky disaster!  But I loved it!  I loved the quiet time at the end of fun day, journaling my thoughts about our family trip or my latest crush.


Technology and social media don't really leave room for this time-honored tradition of writing down your inmost thoughts and feelings.... instead, we post every meal, selfie and Starbucks visit online.  The moment is fleeting and quickly documented out in cyber space, never to be thought of again.  

When I moved a few months ago, I was given a sweet gift that included a travel journal.  There are spaces for writing and spaces for doodling.  

It is left on the coffee table, along with a couple of other cute coffee table books.  

My family is encouraged to write in it whenever they have something fun to talk about.  So far, I am the most contributing author haha, but if I catch one of them sitting around, needing something to do, I hand them the book and ask them to write something specific.  I'll say "tell us about your big soccer game" or something like that and they will get to work...  I am hoping that this bit of prompting now will lead to them contributing to it on their own soon.  

I look forward to looking back at these memories one day and not only remembering the fun experience, but also the sweetness of their little stories and doodles.  

Comment below to give us some writing prompt ideas or to let me know if your family does this or will start it now.  <3


  1. too funny...I had diaries like all of my life!! I even had one from when my hubby and I dated in high school...and we picked our oldest son's name!!

    1. Loved it! Cute, Cute!! My diaries from high school are so ridiculous and sappy.... I was a lot more dramatic than I remember being haha!
