I so love Jen Hatmaker. I love her sense of humor, her simple way of explaining things, her logic, and her house. All of those make me happy. If she and I were sisters, we would spend a lot of time together, I just know it. Jen has a way of taking this Lord-loving, simple-minded girl and making her understand things a little bit differently. That's what I enjoy most about her and her style of writing.
I bought this book about 2 weeks ago and read it super fast, as I do all of her books. She typically makes me laugh through the entire thing while presenting Jesus in a way I can understand. This book had a good balance of light heartedness and serious reflection. I was, however, surprised when a serious chapter would show up because it seemed a little of the blue. One second she was sharing her life story in chronologicial Facebook posts (hi-larious!!!!) and the next sharing about how missions should really look in today's world.
My favorite chapters, well there were far too many to mention. I love laughter so, of course the ones that made me giggle were awesome! But at the same time, the ones that made me truly reflect on the course of Christianity in today's world were stated so simply, pointing out what should have been obvious all along. Many churches use missions as advertisement, a sort of "Look what we did!" type of mission trip. Don't get me wrong, any help is help indeed. But are we, as Christians, using the time we have in the most helpful and efficient way. Another point brought to mind is when we think of missions, we think of third-world countries. There are many mission opportunities right here in our very back yards... literally. What could we be doing to help those in need right here?
I've always had a fascination with missions. I've always wanted to go on some grand mission trip but fear stands in my way. I have a little of a control issue (wink, wink) and going far away is a little too far out of my control. In a way, I think it's a preparation thing. God has big plans for me right here, with my people in my home... and maybe in yours. My heart is being pulled in a major way to create a mission for preschool and elementary-aged kids that consists less of what they can do with Mommy's help, but more of what they can do on their own-- creating the biggest impact with their little hands. I'm praying about this but I really feel I'm on the verge of something. I can't wait to see what God does with my simple mind. For the Love brought that back to the forefront for me.
Now, back to the book!!! Like I said before, I love what Jen says so simply, "Be you. Be kind. Love Jesus." She says those words in a chapter about her children, but can't that go farther than just the young? I think that's a good less for everyone!
Below you'll find a video review of For the Love featuring a very special guest speaker! Enjoy!!!
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